When I was flying over New York City, I saw a man and a woman standing in a room. Out of curiosity, I came down to them to see what they were doing. Suddenly, they started to talk to me. I told them I was new in SL, so they invited me to their home to change my appearance.
Their home is on a beautiful island. The man, whose name is Nerion in SL, is a French in RL; and his partner, mellie, is an American native. They bought the island in SL, and Nerion created all the things on it, naming it "Eagles island" because mellie loves eagles.
While working on my avatar, I felt awkward because of my poor skills. They patiently taught me how to change my appearance in step-by-step instruction. They suggested me to make my avatar taller and try different skin colors; Nerion even gave me several skin colors to choose from!
Later they guided me to look around their island and their two-floored house. In their house, they taught me how to use gestures. mellie gave me a lot of gestures, and Nerion led me to dance. Then we three danced and chatted together for a long while! When hearing that I used Second Life for a course assignment, they encouraged me to learn as much as I can because Nerion himself also uses SL to practice English.
Before I left, I thanked sincerely for their help. mellie and I had a big-hug-goodbye, and they gave me L$100 as a welcome gift, saying that I could visit them anytime.
Why do they treat me so kind? "Making people happy is also making them happy" is a value that they hold in both real life and Second Life. Being serious about this question, they said that the difficulty of building trust and friendship in Second Life comes from people who think they can hide behind the computers and act like people totally different from their real lives.
I was really touched by the couple's value. I not only appreciate their kind help, but respect their characters. I think I was lucky to meet them, and I'm sure I will cherish our "virtual-but-real" friendship.